Interview with INI "Kototo Nishi" about the back side of the FD management & birthday project! What is the charm of Kohito Nishi who loves and can't stop?


INI of INI, 27th birthday on June 1st🍰🌟

This time, to commemorate the birthday of Koto NishiNippon Fundam "Koto Nishi FANDOM"I interviewed🎤💖

As of May 2024, here is the SNS account operated by Kojin Nishi FANDOM.👇📲

Koto Nishi FANDOMThe activity is

Through X, Instagram and open chat, information disseminations such as activities of INI and Kohito Nishi -kun, and on birthdays, planning and operating the Senil Event, etc.

It will be diverse✨

Furthermore, every monthOita (24) Day"There is also a unique project that decides the theme and sends it in x.😍

Anyway, I love Koto Nishi and can't stop ...💓It's Fundam♪

In the latter half of this article, we will also introduce Senil advertising and Senil events planned by Koto Nishi, so please take a look.📢

After reading this interview, "I also want to support the activities of Kohito Nishi!」「I want to push INI!If you think, please feel free to contact us.

In our companyProper advertisement (Senil/Support advertisement)We are helping you to publish💡

I'm interested in advertising, but I don't know how to put it out ...」「I'm worried about the cost ...We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register first.♪

What kind of Fundam is "Koto Nishi FANDOM"?

Senil staff: What kind of activities are you doing as a foundation? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Currently, I am disseminating the daily activities of INI and Kojin Nishi through X, Instagram and open chat.

In addition, it will be an account that we support together with fans!

On my birthday, I plan and operate the Senil event.

Senil staff: Is the current operation operated by the 5 people you are here? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr. Miss.: Some people will help you share information in the open chat and the next day's appearance information, but there are five members of this and other meetings.

On my birthday, the number of help is increasing and 9 people are moving!

Senil staff: How are you sharing roles?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr. Miss.: The five management teams are studying and discussing various things and planning.

We also provide information on Instagram and X.

The two groups are asked to send them about Kohito Nishi every day in the open chat of Koto Nishi FANDOM.

On birthdays, we are divided into three groups, advertising groups, cup holders, and rewards.

Senil staff: How do you use X and Instagram properly?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Instagram started around January last year.

Some people have not done X, so I decided to use Instagram in the direction of visually appealing the charm of Nishi Koto -kun.

In the past year, 2900 followers have been 2900 (at the time of interview, 3400 as of 2024.5), so I'm going to continue as it is.

Senil staff: It's amazing that there are nearly 3,000 followers a year! !

When was the Fandam itself launched?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr. Miss.: This account itself was launched in October 2020.

Originally, it seems that those who support Kototo Nishi -kun have launched since the start of "PRODUCE 101 Season2".

Senil staff: Are the early members replaced? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr.: That's right.

Senil staff: How did you decide to be a Fundam management side?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: I myself didn't know much about Senil planning, but when I saw the Senil planning in X, I enjoyed planning advertisements and cup holders once.

I knew for the first time that there was such a way of cheering.

I was looking for a new management member because the management would quit.

At that time, if nobody would do big projects like before, I thought it would be painful that only Koto Nishi -kun could not send anything.

I myself, work and home, and I thought it was really easy, but for Koto Nishi -kun, I wanted to do something for Nishi MINI -chan, so I decided to try it. thought.

Consumed a popular project "Owai Day" for newly operated members!

Senil staff: How did you consult with your predecessor, such as the management policy? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: In the last year, I had one predecessor remaining and told me the flow of one year.

Among them, everyone was in operation while consulting with everyone, "Let's start something new."

Senil staff: Have you actually started something new? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr.: Yes! 24th every month"Oita (24) Day"As a monthly theme, I send it in x. ​​

Senil staff:It is interesting! Is "West Day" exciting?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: I think it's exciting!

When I met Koujin -kun directly, I told me, "Reacting on the west day", and the reaction on SNS increased.

Senil staff: On the west day, for example, what kind of theme do you do? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: For example, Koto Nishi -kun had a regular NHK program and celebrated because it was a regular second year in April 2024.

Because it is an English conversation program, I made the theme of "Let's convey my feelings in English".

Senil staff: It's nice that fans send out what Nishi -san is doing!

Management members collected with emphasis on personality

Senil staff: Do you have any tips or ideas for running a foundation?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr. Miss:First of all, when choosing the operating member, we focused on personality.

Now, when the operating members have three new members and they have a new member, I called out to choose a person who had actually met and talked and trusted it.

I guess the trick that can be operated smoothly is that I chose the operating member.

Senil staff: It was a scout! Did you originally know?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr.: That's right. I spread from X and met on site.

After that, I hope that both everyone (operating members) and the fans will be able to work in the same direction.

Senil staff: It's important. Next, please tell me what you are careful about when disseminating information!

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr. Miss:"Don't violate "Is it?

When uploading photos, I use what I brought from the official.

later"timing" The timing from the official announcement does not overlap.

If you wear it with the timing of the official announcement, the post will flow.

after that"WordingI am also careful. Everyone checks and adjusts to the details.

What did you get from Fundam activities?

Senil staff: Are you glad you were working as a foundation?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Personally, I made friends nationwide from X! The rest is rejuvenation. lol

I think that you will definitely rejuvenate by being active.

Thanks to Koto Nishi -kun, a friend I met for the first time in a long time told me, "You have rejuvenated."

Last year, I told Koto Nishi -kun in Yonton that "I got a vision advertisement at Times Square" and seemed to be pleased.

Looking at us, he said, "I wanted to go to see it.

I was very happy when I got one big ad as a foundation and found that I had reached myself.

Senil staff: It arrived to the person! That's nice.

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: (another operating member) Conversely, I have never participated in Senil or West Day until I become the management side.

However, since I became the management side, I understand the difficulty of planning and events and the feelings of the management side, and I hope that it will be spread for those who have not participated at all.

(Other operating members) can be difficult, but there is a sense of accomplishment after that. The rest is a connection with everyone.

I think that even if it is terrible, we do our best for Koujin, and we all support each other and get over it.

Senil staff: It's an experience because you run Fandam.

Deep -sea level ... How did you get hooked on the swamp of Nishi Koto?

Senil staff: I will go to the next question! When and how did you like Koto Nishi? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMMr.: I was told by my daughter, "Look at Pu 2!"

Not only that, but I fell in love with Koujin Nishi's personality.

Senil staff: What kind of personality is in words? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: I think my feelings are hot. It's cool and shy, but my heart has a very hot thing.

(Another operated member)

I was the same, my daughter was looking at Pu 2, and at first I was looking sideways.

However, on the last day, when I voted 12th, I thought, "I can't make a debut," I started to realize that "I am a fan of Koto Nishi -kun."

Do you like hot voices and passion?

Senil staff: I'm listening and I'm crazy! (Laughs) It's nice.

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: (Another Members) I was watching from "PRODUCE 101Japan season1 (day Pu 1)" and started watching it, thinking, "I'll see it when I start Pu 2."

The first image was a dancer, so it seemed to be crisp, but it wasn't surprising!

When Koto Nishi -kun is with a family, the youngest character is fully open, or when a friend falls (in the audition), he is crying very much ...

Looking at such a scene, I thought it was different from the ska that I was looking at, so I was hooked on the gap.

(Another operated member)

I have never been an idol before, this is my first time.

It would be interesting to see Pu 2, which happened to be advertised!

When I talked about watching Pu 2 because there was a child who liked Korea in the workplace, I was told, "Please decide!"

I wasn't interested in idols, so I chose the most idol -like person.

When the first ranking was fourth, I felt like Koto Nishi's reaction was "I'm not the first place", and I thought, "It's quite a glance from above."

But when I looked at it, my self -affirmation was surprisingly low, and I was so frustrated that I was interested in seeing my hard work!

Even now, there are some parts that have not become idols, but I think that part is also cute with a gap.

(Another operated member)

I was looking at Pu 2 at the time of Corona, and I was paying attention to dancing and singing from quite early.

After all, I thought that my face and body were all cool!

At the audition, I wrote a lyric that I had no experience.

Even now, after the live, I'm going to do my best, but I send an email like "I'll do my best to see it."

Such a highly ambitious place is a really respected and favorite part.

Can't you speak? ! What is the charm of Koto Nishi?

Senil staff: What is Koto Nishi -kun's charm? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: There is a paid private email, the frequency of emails is not much, but one blow is very large. lol

I usually send it around 0 o'clock, but it feels like Nishi MINI is in the grave every time ~ (laughs).

You can't sleep, everyone. lol

I usually send it with a minimum number of characters, but when the live is over or when it's a break, I send it in a very long sentence.

You don't have an idol feeling, you're showing a realistic figure.

Feeling like a boyfriend!

Senil staff: Just listening, you can see that Koto Nishi's swamp is deep! (lol)

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: It's a deep sea beyond the swamp. lol

The place where there is a gap is also wonderful, and is it attractive to be pretty indecisive, regardless of?

Also, I like gummy and sweets with that look!

When I'm talking, I'm quiet, but when I'm performing, I'm sick.

I usually see it with a culculed eye like a puppy, and it's so cute!

Then, a stylish place!

Everybody buys it as a private clothes that is pushed, but Kototo Nishi -kun's plain clothes are often expensive, so you can't feel free to buy it!

Senil staff: That's right! Where can I see plain clothes? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Radio recording or private email.

Everyone is desperately looking for the clothes brands in the photo! (lol)

Recommended content collection of Kohito Nishi who is beloved!

Introducing the contents carefully selected by Koto Nishi, the content that conveys the charm of Kohito Nishi.♪

Please check it out and get hooked on Kojin Nishi's swamp 🫠❤️




Wedding Reception Party #Kototo Nishi #ini

[INI folder] EP.80 -end total settlement! 2023 omnibus🎥 ~ Part 2 ~ ①

[INI folder] EP.80 -end total settlement! 2023 omnibus🎥 ~ Part 2 ~②

Kohito Nishi's FANDOM project! Introducing Senil Event Senil ads

2023 "𝑯𝒊𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒐'𝒔 𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒕𝒉𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒋𝒆𝒄𝒕 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑"

Aeon Morley Fantasy

Kojitsu Nishi's signage advertising in 540 Aeon Morley affiliated stores nationwide✨

The first attempt was held on the birthday of 2023.😍

Cafe event

Held a cafe event at 20 stores nationwide♪

There are also benefits that fans want to get, such as cup holders and clear postcard distribution 🥰

Some stores have an original menu🍰💓

Senil advertising

Furthermore, celebrating Koto Nishi's birthday with Senil advertising.

Poster ads, in -car signage ads, and ads were also implemented in Kagoshima, where they came from.♪

In addition, vision advertisements were also made at seven locations nationwide.👏

It seems that all over Japan was filled with Kohito Nishi.🌈

Light -up advertising

On the day of your birthday, we will light -up projects in Aichi Prefecture and Hokkaido.🌟

The size of the celebration is terrible😳

Times Square Advertising

Senil advertisement was also implemented at the first New York Times Square 🇺🇸

It seems that the state of the day could be seen with a live camera♪ It seems that he was very happy💓

The state of the day🔻

Dotonbori River Manshu Festival

There is also a project to donate at the Dotonbori River Manshin Festival, with Kojitsu Nishi's future success.🏮

It seems that the name was placed on the lantern, and three lanterns were arranged so that "INI Nishi Kohito".♪

2024 "~🎉Special🎉West day! ~ "

Caphol planning

This year, the annual cafe event will be held 🥤

It will be held at 12 stores nationwide, so please visit us.✨

Check the post for stores and periods✍️💓 ​​

Please be assured that those who cannot go directly♪

Why don't you print a Caphol with a net print and have a Senil party?

Senil advertising

  • ⭐️Poster ad
  • Posted in 7 locations in 6 cities nationwide
  • ⭐️ Large vision advertisement
  • 5 cities nationwide + broadcast in 2 overseas cities
  • ⭐️SNS advertisement
  • Published on X, Instagram and YouTube

This year, Kohito Nishi Jack Japan, overseas and SNS😳❣️

As expected, it is a world -wide idol! !

If you see it, don't forget to spread the authentication tag and spread it on SNS.😍

Click here for details🔻

⭐️ Shinsaibashi Station / Nagoya Station

⭐️ Shimokitazawa Station

⭐️ Niigata Station, Kagoshima Chuo Station, Prefectural Government Mae Station

⭐️ Shibuya Station

⭐️The Japan Street Vision Advertising

⭐️NY / Korean Vision Advertising

Senil planning behind story

Senil staff: Did you originally know "Senil advertising"?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: I didn't know!

Senil staff: What kind of preparation did you prepare first when you decided to do Senil advertising? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: First, we decided the theme and concept!

In 2024, the theme was cool and cute ... Koujin -kun, who showed various expressions and gaps!

"HIROTO" with a creative and stylish "HIROTO" with an idol feeling, "Hiro -kun" with a cute feeling.✖️Hiroto✖I decided on the concept of "Hiro -kun" and decided the theme color!

Senil staff: What are the criteria for selecting Senle events and advertisements?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: After collecting money from everyone, I decided that "Capho is this much, reward is this" and advertised with the rest!

We are looking for an advertisement that fits cheap within the budget, and we are choosing an advertisement that is likely to stop Nishi -kun!

I often go to the main city, but I try to think about projects that anyone can participate in (and local people).

Last year, it was Aeon Morley Fantasy nationwide.

Senil staff: Aeon is everywhere in Japan! What had the most response ever?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Times Square was good.

You can see it on YouTube, and overseas people have taken videos and shared them to X!

Aeon Morley Fantasy was also pleased.

If you have a small child, you can't go far, but I was pleased because Ion was nearby.

Senil staff: What motivation is Senil planned?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: Anyway, I want Nishi -kun to be pleased!

Senil staff: June is your birthday, and when do you start preparing? ?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: I think it's about the end of January. This time, it takes about six months from choosing members.

Senil staff: Six months! It is prepared every year over half of the year. Finally, what do you want to do as a foundation in the future?

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: There are some difficult parts when it comes to Fundam, but I want to get together at Nishi MINI!

I wish everyone gathered on my birthday!

Everyone goes to see Senil advertisements and try a Senil tour!

Senil staff: That's really interesting!

Koto Nishi FANDOMSan: People may gather too much! (Laughs) There is such a dream!

Senil staff: It's a wonderful dream! I hope it can be realized someday.

Thank you for your cooperation in the interview!


This time, we talked to INI Kohito Nishi's Fandom "Koto Nishi FANDOM"!

 「Deep sea beyond the swamp」「I have something very hot in my heartFrom the end of the words in the interview, the affection for Kohito Nishi is transmitted.😍

The ideas and concerns of planning and disseminating information were very nice in running Fundam.💓

Koto Nishi FANDOM said as a birthday project this year.〜🎉Special🎉West day! ~Is being held!

Please check the plan on the X account.🌟

We will continue to support the activities of INI and Kohito Nishi, and the activities of Koto Nishi FANDOM.😊

Thank you, Fandom Nishi, for interviewing this time!

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to give an ad ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

You can complete LINE only from consultation -medium arrangement -design production to advertising reports!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^


★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "X」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

X (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow X♪

In X, we will deliver information on blog publications such as idols and actors that we have updated every week by us ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪ This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^