[April's second place in April] 7 MEN Samurai Reia Nakamura Special feature! From detailed profile to drama works!

【4月の推しランキング2位】7 MEN 侍 中村嶺亜特集!詳細プロフィールから出演ドラマ作品まで!

This time,7 MEN Samurai, which won the second place in the recommended ranking in AprilWe will send you a special feature on Reia Nakamura♪

Rei -kun is a member of the 7 MEN Samurai male idol group formed in the junior of Starto Entertainment.🌷

Not only performances such as songs, dances, guitars, etc., but also good at painting and appearing in dramas, Rei -kun is very active in many fields!

In April 2024, his 27th birthday was reached, and he won the second place in the "April Support Ranking" conducted by Senil JAPAN.🎊

Therefore, this time, we will approach the charm of Rina Nakamura, who is active in almighty beyond the idol frame.✊✨

This article introduces the detailed profile of Rei -kun and the drama that has appeared in the past, so please check it out.📢✨

In addition, we are helping to publish a recommended advertisement (Senil/support advertisement).💡

"I want to get a recommended ad, but I'm worried about financially ..."For those who say, "Senil CrafanWe also offer crowdfunding services!


We are currently looking for a project owner of Senil Crafan.✨

I want to release a recommended advertisement (Senil/Support Advertising)!」「I'm interested in Senil Crafan!Please feel free to contact us!

We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register your friends first.☺️

What kind of group is the 7 MEN samurai to which Rei Nakamura belongs?

7 MEN Samurai

Quote source

  • Group name: 7 MEN Samurai (Seven Men Samurai)
  • Office: Starto Entertainment
  • Date of formation: February 26, 2018
  • Members: Rei Nakamura, Katsuki Honpai, Rinning Sugata, Daiko Sasaki, Daiki Konno, Ritsu Yahana

7 MEN Samurai (Seven Men Samurai) is a 6 -member idol group belonging to Starto Entertainment.🌟

Before the debut from the office, it was formed in 2018 in the so -called trainee's group "Junior" ^^💓

At first it was a group of seven people, but after leaving the members and joining, the current six -person system❣

The unique group name "7 MEN Samurai" seems to be derived from the movie "Seven Samurai" directed by Akira Kurosawa.💡

It's an unforgettable group name that you can't forget once you hear it.🌷

Before their debut, they have seven original songs as of March 2024.👏

Original song list🎧
  1. Samdama
  2. siren
  3. shout
  4. Goodbye again
  5. Hot night
  6. B4n4n4
  7. Chaos Killer

The strength of the 7 MEN samurai is that there are two faces, which can handle both the idol style of "dance & vocals" and the band style of "musical instrument performance".✊✨

Click here for the current main instrument👇

7 MEN Samurai Members Instrument
  • Rina Nakamura: Guitar ( + main vocal)
  • Katsuki Honjo: Keyboard
  • Rinning Sugata: Saxophone, guitar
  • Daiko Sasaki: Drum
  • Daiki Konno: Lead guitar
  • Ritsu Yana: Base

Please take a look at the strong and cool performance that is not like an idol.💗

7 MEN Samurai, which has a high performance power in this way✨

Of course, because it is an idol group, the ability of the dance is outstanding!

Moreover, the choreography of this song was thought together by Daiko -kun and Rinning.👏

The more you know, the more attractive 7 MEN samurai.💕

The popularity is attracting attention from overseas, and in 2024 it was used in the Japanese commercial of Indonesian sweets "Trix".👏

It's a pop and cute commercial🌟

It is a talented group in the junior who has been very long -awaited on the date of debut.❕

Introducing the detailed profile of Rei Nakamura!

7 MEN Samurai Reia Nakamura

Quote source

  • Real name: Rei Nakamura
  • Date of birth: April 2, 1997
  • Entrance date: October 3, 2009
  • Height: 166cm (Person: 167cm)
  • Born: Tokyo
  • Member color: Yellow

Reina -kun is in charge of guitar and main vocals among the 7 MEN samurai.💓

The member color is yellow💛

Rei -kun is an orthodox idol, the owner of a perfect visual👑✨

The official height is 166cm, but in the past interview, he said, "I'm 166cm tall, but it's actually 167cm!"😊

It is the fastest member of the members and is the oldest.❣

The reason I entered was that my parent's friend sent a resume to the office.💡

At that time, Reina himself was absorbed in skateboarding, so he was not interested in idols, but after receiving an audition, he passed brilliantly.🌸

Life aiming to be an idol has started🎉

It seems that the skateboard, a special skill, started in earnest in the elementary 3 due to his dad who was a snowboard player.✨

I was so excited that I was really aiming to be a player, and my ability was so many times I won the tournament.❕

The exercise nerve is also cool, isn't it?🛹✨

The charm of Rei -kun is not only for visuals and motor nerves 🥰💛

What a artistic talent for Rei -kun.❕❕

In fact, Reina -kun, the university went on to the Faculty of Arts and majored in oil paintings.🎨🖌

MBS / TBS variety program "Prebat! ! ] He often appears and shows off a very high quality picture.😍

Fans falling in the all -rounder Reia -kun continue✨

Expectations are increasing in future success 🥰

List of dramas appearances by Reia Nakamura! From love to school!

Despite the debut, this Reina -kun has been drawn to variety shows and dramas.👑

Here are four drama works that Reia -kun appeared in the past.🎬✨

Rei -kun, who is challenging the works of various genres, from love to school things!

7 MEN You may be able to find a new aspect, which is different from Reia -kun, who is active in the samurai.💞

Love disease and bastard group (2019)

Rei Nakamura Drama Love disease and bastard group

Quote source

  • Work name: Love disease and bastard group
  • Broadcasting year: 2019
  • Appearance: Yuto Takahashi, Aoya Inokari, Ryuto Sakuma, Daisuke Iwasaki, Ryuga Sato, Rei Nakamura, Naomi Oriyama, Yoshiyoshi Masamon, Takahiro Takada
  • Number of stories: All 10 episodes
  • Distribution service: Hulu

The first work is the school comedy drama "Koi no Disease and the Boso Gumi", where the protagonist changes for each episode.✨

Reina -kun is the main character in Episode 3🎬

Glasses play a trademark liberal arts poisoned tongue character, Mimuren Mimurin.👓✨

Rei -kun wearing glasses is so cute that it exceeds imagination, so don't miss it ...❣

Season 2 was also produced in 2022, and Rei -kun continues to appear.💖

Gekikaradou (2021)

Rei Nakamura Drama Gekikaradou

Quote source

  • Work name: Gekikaradou
  • Broadcasting year: 2021
  • Starring: Teruji Kiriyama, Rika Izumura, Rei Nakamura, Morita Ajinji, Yasuyuki Maekawa, Mitsuru Hirata
  • Number of stories: All 12 episodes
  • Distribution service: U-NEXT, Hulu

The second work is the gourmet comedy drama "Gekikaradou", which features hot spicy dishes.✨

Ryosuke Shinomiya, a junior of Kenta Sarukawa (Terushi Kiriyama), plays Rinma -kun.❣

The role of a young employee is played by a bright and positive personality, Rei -kun (*¨*).♡

It's a nice point to see Rei -kun in a salaried worker.🙆‍♀️💖

And in the spin-off "Chokokotto Gekikaradou", which was produced as a U-NEXT original drama, Reina is starred.👑✨

U-NEXT "Chokoku Gekikaradou"

If you want to see more of Rei -kun's acting!💓

Dogs and waste (2023)

Rei Nakamura Drama dog and waste

Quote source

  • Work name: Dog and waste
  • Broadcasting year: 2023
  • Appearance: Yuki Kura, Hagoromi Mihara, Rei Nakamura, Ruka Ishikawa, Suzuki Uemura, Sota Uemura
  • Number of stories: All episodes
  • Distribution service: Netflix, U-NEXT, Hulu

The third work is the romance suspense drama "Dog and waste" based on Asagaan's manga.✨

Rinu -kun was a difficult role, saying, "It looks like a perfect person from the outside, but the contents are a waste."😢💕💕

The gap with the usual idol figure is paid to the great performance!

If you want to see a walnut man, Reia, please check out this work.💓

Teacher Goodbye (2024)

Goodbye, a drama teacher, a drama teacher

Quote source

  • Work name: Goodbye teacher
  • Broadcasting year: 2024
  • Appearance: Shota Watanabe, Kana Kita, Amari Hayashi, Asuka Kawadoko, Remia Nakamura, Amu Fukao, Rinjin Sugata, Konari Hiyama, Anna Kurazawa, Aii Ito, Komai Ren, Hitoshi Katagiri, Kenta Suga.
  • Number of stories: All 10 episodes
  • Distribution service: Hulu

The fourth work is the latest work as of March 2024, "Teacher Goodbye".♪

He plays the role of Kenta Shiraishi, a rival of the love of the protagonist, Takuro Tanemura (Shota Watanabe).👏✨

It is a high school student who plays in this work!

Even if you know the real age, you can't hide the surprise of Rei -kun's Visu, who doesn't feel uncomfortable at all.♥

And Shiraishi, who plays Reina -kun, is a role of unrequited love to the heroine, but the straight and gentle affection to protect the heroine is really painful ... impressive.❣️

It is a work that is sure to be hooked on the appearance of Rei -kun of the so -called "2nd boys".✊✨

Reia Nakamura is the second place in the monthly pushing ranking "April recommendation"!

Rei Nakamura Ranking Ranking

Quote source

The sixth is reachedThe second place in the "April recommendation" was Rina Nakamura, a 7 -MEN samurai.👑

After the start of the poll, many fans were excited.✨

From the fans

"Because the facial national treasure is perfect with idols and actions!"

"A genius who can do not only sing and dance but also skateboard and instruments with perfect idols and behaviors."

I received a lot of support comments overflowing with love.✨

Congratulations on Rei -kun and fans! !

Also, thank you for participating in the voting.🙇‍♀️

Let's put out a recommended advertisement (Senil/Support Advertising)!

Recommendation advertising Senil advertising support advertising Ranking Bombti Hairstyle TXT

After reading this article, "What is the recommended advertisement (Senil/Supported Advertising)?」「I've heard of Senil advertising, but I'm not sure ...You may have felt that😳

The recommended advertisement is an advertisement that fans publish according to the birthday and debut anniversary.♡

I want to support you with all your might!」「I want to celebrate the important anniversary of the push!Fans who have the thought that are spontaneously advertised for non -profit.🏁

It is one of the recommended activities that originated in Korea, and now it is now available in Japan and China.✨

In Korean, "birthday" is called "Senil", so it is called "Senil advertisement" or "recommended advertisement" or "support advertisement".📢

Even if you say "recommended advertisement" in a single mouth, there are various types.❕

For example, in the case of Japan, you can publish "street vision advertisements", "traffic ads", "ad tracks", "ads around the concert venue".♪

Examples of advertising that can be issued in Japan📢
  1. Street Vision Advertising… Advertising using street visions around the country
  2. Traffic advertising… Advertisements using the posting space and visions in the station premises
  3. Ad track… Advertisement using a large LED monitor installed on the 4T truck bed
  4. Advertising around the concert venue… Advertisements using surrounding facilities and visions of venues where concerts are easy to hold, such as Makuhari Messe and Kyocera Dome

In addition, advertisements that utilize SNS have recently become popular.🕊💓

We are helping to advertise as introduced above.🌼

If you are worried about the details, please refer to the following special articles.

If you want to advertise from Japanese idols and artists!Articles about the permission of advertisingPlease refer to it.😊

Among those who have read so far, I was interested in recommended advertising, but "Anxious about the cost and preparation for the publication ...Some people may come👀

For such people, I would like to introduce them.Senil Crafan"^^

What is Senil Crafan?Launched a project to issue a support advertisement for individuals and plannedServices to realize support advertising by exchanging support money for those who agree"!

The great advantage is that people who agree with the project can make a large -scale advertisement that is difficult to put out alone.✨

We also support the project launch to advertising arrangements, payment management, delivery management, etc. together with the planners.♪

In fact, N.SSIGN, ENHYPEN's Sone -kun, & Team's Harua -kun's crafts achieved the target amount and advertised!

I don't have time to prepare and plan, but I want to release Senil!Isn't there a lot of people?

Even such people can participate in the support advertisement of Senil Crafan! That's a great strength of Senil Crafan.💗

For those who support the project, we offer return products made in part of the support money.♪

If you do not reach the target amount, there will be no commission and will be refunded to your supporters.

If you are worried about Senil Crafan, we will also provide free chat and telephone consultation on the official LINE, so please feel free to contact us!

I want to know more about Senil Crafan!Please see here too!

Introducing the types of advertisements that can be issued with Senil Crafan and a series of flow from achieving it.♪


This timeA special feature of 7 MEN Samurai Rina Nakamura, who was ranked second in the April recommendation rankingI sent you♪

Remina -kun, who does not only idol band activities, but also from work that makes use of his specialty pictures to acting work!

It is an idol that is inevitably swamped with glittering visuals and talented talents.👑✨

Once again, congratulations to Reira -kun and fans who were selected as the second place in April.♪

BirthdayLeave it to Japan!

BirthdayJAPAN logo

Looking at the examples introduced this time, many people may feel like "I want to give Senil advertising!"♪

If you are worried, "I don't have the courage to give an ad ..." "Isn't it difficult to go?"

BirthdayIf you register the official LINE of JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

Consultation -medium arrangement -design production -advertising reportYou can complete it only with LINE!

First of all, please register as a LINE friend ^^

★BirthdayJAPAN SNS information★

BirthdayIn Japan, "Twitter」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

We distribute not only the information of Senil/support advertisements, but also the information of actors and idols, and great deals, so please follow up ^^ 

Twitter (@birthday_ad_jp)

BirthdayI want to get JAPAN information as soon as possible!If you say, please follow Twitter♪

On Twitter, we will deliver information on blogs such as idols and actors that we have updated every week we have updated every week ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (@Birthday.ad.jp)

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

We also introduce the Senil/Support Advertisements held, so if you are considering it, please refer to it!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (@Birthday.ad.jp)

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪

@birthday.ad.jp This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Senil advertising #Senil advertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

Tiktok explains information about Senil/support advertisements and blog information in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^