2024 & TEAM Live "SECOND TO NONE" participation in the war! & Appgrap information, etc.♪[Neta bar care]

2024 &TEAM ライブツアー「SECOND TO NONE」参戦レポ!セトリ&アプグレ情報など♪【ネタバレ注意】

This time [Senil JAPAN staff's recommendation series] is the first arena tour "SECOND TO NONE" repo.🐺🌙

Senil JAPAN staff of LUNé (& Team's fan name) has participated in the night performance on the second day of Tokyo (Ariake).❕

We will deliver plenty of geek viewpoint repo, such as the set list of this tour, how to Apgre, the Apgre benefits, and the situation around the venue.💌

I also posted photos taken with songs that can be taken, so please look forward to it.📷🌷

In addition, I felt when I actually participated,Preparation for enjoying live performances with all your mightAlso introduced😌🫶

If you are participating in the future performances, please refer to it.🎀

In addition, this repo is also spoiled, so if you want to challenge the future without any prior knowledge, please see after participating in the live.♪

After reading this article, "I want to support more activities!」「I am interested in & Team's recommendation!If you think, please feel free to contact us.

We recommend advertisements (BirthdayWe are helping to post a support advertisement)💡

I'm interested in advertising, but I don't know how to put it out ...」「I'm worried about the cost ...We also provide free consultation on LINE, so please register first.♪

"2024 & Team Concert Tour 'Second to None'" will be held!

Quotation source

As of August 2024, the & Team concert tour "SECOND TO NONE" is being held.💕

"Second to None" is& Team's first arena touris✨

Starting with the Tokyo (Ariake) performance on July 20, it was held in Hyogo, Fukuoka and Aichi, and it was decided to be held in Seoul, Korea.🎉

Second to None
☀: Lunch performance🌙: Night performance
  1. [Saturday, July 20th🌙・ 21st (Sun)☀🌙】Tokyo Ariake Arena
    ▷ This time [21 days🌙] Deliver a repo💁‍♀️✨
  2. [Thursday, July 25th🌙・ 26th (Friday)☀🌙】Hyogo Kobe World Memorial Hall
  3. [Saturday, August 17th🌙・ 18th (Sun)☀🌙】Fukuoka Marine Messe Fukuoka B Building B
  4. [Friday, August 30th🌙・ 31st (Sat)🌙】Korean Koryo University Fajeong Gymnasium
  5. [Saturday, September 28🌙・ 29th (Sun)🌙】Aichi Port Messe Nogoya 1st Exhibition Hall

This time, I participated in a night performance held on July 21 at Ariake Arena, Tokyo.👏 

After arriving at Ariake Arena, to receive the "Membership Benefits" to be introduced later.😄

After that, when I took a walk around the area, the flag of 9 & Team was displayed.🌼


Progress Nicholas's flag🍓🎀


It was also a commemorative photo spot for Luné📷⭐

And this time, for the first time in the & Team's solo live, "Premium seat (upgrade ticket)Was introduced✨

This time, I was lucky enough to participate in the premium seat, so I will report on the flow until I get an apgre ticket and the situation on the day.📢

Also, in conjunction with the "Second to None", a collaboration kitchen car of & Team appeared, like the previous solo tour "First Paw Print".🌟

In the latter half of this article, the state of the kitchen car will be reported.☕💓

& Team Live Tour 2024 Tokyo (Ariake) performance Introducing the settlement!

Quotation source

Held on July 21, 2024"SECOND TO NONE" Tokyo (Ariake) performance settlementIs here👇💓 

  • ~📺Opening VCR ~
  • [1] WAR CRY
  • [2] Scent of you
  • [3] W.O.L.F. (Win or Lose Fight)
  • ~ 🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  ~📺VCR ~
  •  [5] May rain
  • ~🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  [6] Frog to you
  •  [7] BLIND LOVE
  • ~🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  [8] Voice change
  •  ~📺VCR ~
  •  [9] The moon is beautiful
  •  [10] Buzz Love (Buzz Love)
  • ~🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  [11] THE FINAL COUNTDOWN (& Team ver.)
  •  [12] DropKick
    💭Customer falling TIME❕
  •  [13] Firework
  • ~🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  [14] Road not taken
  •  [15] Scar to Scar
  •  ~📺VCR ~
  •  [16] Encore ①Melody
  •  [17] Angkor ② non -standard (Alien)
    💭Shooting OK song❕Sign ball throwing Time❕
  • ~🎤Ment (MC) ~
  •  [18] Encore ③ Chincha is strange

The performance time isAbout 2 hoursIt was (*¨*)♡

From the first song, I was impressed by the intense performance settlement, saying, "It's a haunted physical strength ...!"

All nine people are really really good ...! (Every time)

In front of a group with a high -style height, in front of you

"Wow ... wow ... Viju ... cool ... You guys are cool ..."

The voice did not stop♀️ (laughs)

There are surprise customers and signboard throws, so I have been having a very fun 2 hours.😌🤍

& Team Live Tour 2024 Tokyo performance repo is released! Customers falling & shooting OK songs♪

Quotation source

From here on, we will deliver the repo of the 2nd day of the night of "Second To None" (Ariake) while picking up the highlights points.♪

At the time of admission, we received "Premium Sheet Benefits Goods" and "Slogan" used in encore.🎉

The phrase of the slogan in this performance was "every season and Team and Luné are the strongest."🌙

I think every time a slogan is distributed,I should have brought a bottle and rubber so that the slogan can be done neatly, And ... 🤣

If you want to carry the slogan neatly, we recommend that you prepare storage goods.✊

And when you are waiting for the performance while preparing penlights, fans, and binoculars per seat ...

The venue became dark and the opening VCR began to flow📺

At the end of the VCR, the stage device of the "wolf claw" motif installed on the stage begins to move.🐺

At that time, the members appeared when they entered the magnificent view of & Team.😭🤍


The first costume is a racer -like costume that is based on white, black, and red!

Quotation source

Cool costumes that each were wearing personally❕

On the other hand, there were some members who were perfect materials and wearing jackets, so it seemed very hot at this time of intense dance songs.😢🔥

Great physical strength ...!

The first song "WAR CRY" is the highlight of the dance break.👀🌟

He delivered the version "WAR CRY" that was shown in "2023 MAMA AWARDS"👏

The heat of the flame used for the production has been transmitted to the arena seat✊✨

From the opening, I raised the Luné tension & Team🐺❕

"War Cry" - "Scent of You" - "Win or Lose Fight)"

And the powerful song continues😳💖

In the first ment, the members introduced themselves🌟

Manne Maki -kun, who ran around from the edge of the large stage, was like a dog🐶

Charedol was too much✨

And Halua -kun, who is reflected on the monitor, has a really cute, cute and too shocking memory ... It's too much to condense the cute around the world ...👼💝

And the recommended Nicholas -kun, the pierced piercings are red according to the hair color.🍓!

The red color shines on the white skin, it is very fashionable, and the pressure of "beauty" is strong ...

Thank you too much🙇‍♀️💕(Super sweet to push)

Rain of May

The fifth song was the song "May Rain", which was just released in May 2024.☔🌸

The video introduced above is a Korean version, but in "Second to None", the Japanese version is shown.👏

He performed in a school uniform (blazer) style costume🌼

Nine people sing the May rain while the sparkling paper blizzard fell from the ceiling ...!

I was able to see it with a really wonderful production 🥺💕

After "May Rain", the ment is sandwiched, and each member has settled in the set.

In a relaxed atmosphere, he showed me a ballad, "Kimi to Frog "-" BLIND LOVE ".♪

"I really like the lyrics ..."

Changing voice

The eighth song was the latest song "Voice Change" at the time of performance.🎧

This song was performed on the center stage following the flower path, not the main stage.✨

It's a song that you can't keep an eye on the refreshing dancing & Team.🌷

Please pay attention to the microphone performance with excellent teamwork🎉


The Japanese version of "Firework" was performed on the 13th song🎆

It was a sports uniform -style costume based on blue, light blue, and white.🏀

When "Firework" begins, the cheers and shouts become very loud, and the heat of the audience is on peak.✊✨

I think it would be more fun if you remember the shouting.💡

"Firework" has been showing many times so far, but with each stage, you will be overwhelmed by the goodness of teamwork and the energy of the members.❕

It was a really fun and exciting stage💓

Angkor ② non -standard (Alien)

Members' costumes at Angkor are overall🌷

Pink bears were hanging on my waist, which was very cute 🧸💓

And the "photographic song" that I was worried about was "ALIEN", the second song of the encore.👾

Sign ball throwing was also performed at this time 🥰🙌

I'm busy with shooting, chasing the ball, and looking at the members.

Here, we will deliver a little movie (screensho).👇✨

🦸‍♂️Sto -kun who is too beautiful

(The smile was so cute that the crush did not stop)

🐰Halua -kun, whose glasses and fluffy hair are too cute

(Styling great answer)

🍓Nicholas who runs around the flower path
(Ball throwing professional level)

Mento at the night of Tokyo 2nd night! Cute episodes

Quotation source

The main story of the night performance on the second day of Tokyo, which is still unsatisfactory!

Here, we will carefully select and introduce those that were impressive from mento.👏

Cay -kun in Kaminari

It seems that Kaminari began to sound in bad weather the night before.⚡

I was surprised at the big Kaminari,

"If the next Kaminari falls, we are over ...!"I thought Kay -kun😳

Kay, who was on the second floor of the dormitory, went down the stairs

👑"It's really bad, so it's better to get together !!"

He said he appealed to the members on the first floor (laughs)

By the way, on the first floor was Nicholas, Maki -kun, Yuma -kun, and Wiju -kun.

The four of them seemed to have a very tension on the side of Vibiru Kei -kun.

If Kei -kun, whose heart is fluttering because of Kaminari, talks to Wiju -kun

🍊"I'm okay because there is Pikachu next door."

He also revealed a cute mystery episode that was returned (laughs) 

Firing face / funny face time on the monitor

Move to Senste and the flow of each person, "Let's convey the charm with the expression to the camera."📷

Fuma -kun, Wiju -kun, Jou -kun, Nicholas -kun, Maki -kun, Luné in the venue is delighted!

However, the following Harua -kun had a texture and she suddenly showed a strange face (laughs).

Recently, Harua -kun, who is in charge of visuals and variety who has no resistance to having a funny face.🐰lol

"Stop it !!"

He finished the funny face firmly😂(lol)

The last Yuma -kun avoids the funny face and tightens with a cute pose that shows the charm point double teeth!🐱💕

Luné was a very exciting corner👏

"Eternal" and "Family"

👑When asked, "Would you like to look back on the day today?"

🍓"The word" eternity "comes to mind," said Nicholas -kun!

🍓"I think this moment is too happy now and memories will remain forever in my head."

He left a heartwarming comment😭

Also, in the last ment

🍓"I'm very happy to be a family with eight members and become a family -like being with Luné."

I was very impressed by Nicholas -kun, who expresses the affection for fans while thinking hard in Japanese, which is not a native language.❤

& Team Live Tour 2024 Membership Benefits & Kitchen Car Information♪

In addition to the main part of the live, there are plenty of fun at the & Team concert.🌱✨

Here, we will send you a repo of "Membership Benefits" that fan club members can receive and "kitchen cars" where you can enjoy the original drinks produced by members.🌟

Membership benefits receipt

Quotation source

If you have a ticket for the day and are a member of the & Team fan club "Luné Membership" as of the performance,

You can receive "Venue Limited Present" of membership benefits💕

The venue limited gift of "SECOND TO NONE" is "Random Photo Card"🐺

To receive, be careful as you need to make a reservation in advance from the "Membership Benefits Reception Reservation Site".👍

The "MEMBERSHIP Benefits Reception Reservation Site" will be announced on the official website of & Team a few days before each performance, so check it out.📢

On the day, we will receive the benefits by heading to the "& Team Official Fanclub Luné Membership booth" at each venue according to the reservation time.🌷

This time, I make a reservation in the [16: 15-16: 45] frame!

It was scheduled to be received from 16:15, but it was too hot in the outdoors, so after 16:00, the line progressed and I received it smoothly.😳

Once in the standby line, prepare a "ticket" and "QR code for receiving" at hand.♪

Go in the line, ask the staff to check the ticket and QR code, and receive a random photo card.🌟

By the way, what I received this time was Kei -kun's photo card 🦘💚

Also, this booth also has a "fan letter box".💕

If you have a fan letter, don't forget to put it out here💌

Collaboration kitchen car

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This collaboration kitchen car will provide an original drink produced by members 🥤

The waiting line is outdoors, and depending on the timing, it can be lined up for more than an hour, so measures against heat stroke are essential.❕

By the way, the evening on the 21st was a great success, and there was a considerable waiting time, so this time I gave up the purchase of a drink.😭(tears)

If you are going to a kitchen car in the future, we recommend that you take measures against heat stroke and with plenty of time.💕

I could not buy a drink this time, but I will send you a picture of the kitchen car ...!

The kitchen car also included the members' sign and message.♡

Also pay attention to the side and back of the kitchen car!

There is also a handwritten message from the members here 🥰

In addition, the commitment to the drink menu produced by the members was also introduced.💡

🍹Wiju Fouma Jou can devise a drink🍹

"Let's crackle in the summer! ! ]

🍹Nicholas Yuma Halua invented drink🍹

"The Sweet Time"

🍹Kay Taki Maki Consideration Drink🍹

"Moguru coffee"

& TEAM Live Tour 2024 Apgre method & Introducing identification and benefits on the day!

Quotation source

In this "Second to None", not only reserved seats but also "Premium seats" for fan club members are also available.👏

If you participate in the premium seat, you will receive such a benefit.🌼

  • ⭐ Arena seat guarantee
  • ⭐ With original product for premium seats
  • ⭐ Priority admission lane is available

Because of the "arena seat guarantee", a premium seat that can be expected to have a good seat close to the members.✊✨

From here on, we will introduce the flow to the acquisition of premium seats on this tour, the state of the day, and the premium seat benefits.🙌

In addition, information may be changed in future performances, so please check the official information.⚠️

How to apply to premium seats

Upgrade to premium seats (apgre)

"Luné Membership Membership Lottery Reception" (Primary Lottery for Fan Club members)The person who won

Was conducted for🌼

"SECOND TO NONE" apgre method
  1. Secure a reserved seat ticket at "Luné Membership Membership Lottery Reception"!
  2. Apply for "Premium seat upgrade lottery"!
  3. When you win, deposit the difference from the reserved seats💰
    → Upgrade to the premium seat🎊

Premium seat flow of the day

 To enter the premium seat on the day, you need to verify your identity!

  • ① Fan club's "Membership Card" or "Digital Membership Card (Screenshot is not allowed)"
  • ② 1 ID card with face photo
    [Student ID card with face photo / passport / with face photo Basic ledger card / My number barcard with face photo / driver's license / Credit card with face photo / residence card (foreign registration certificate)]

Let's bring it with the ticket💡

On the day, we will enter from the "priority admission lane"❕

 In the night performance on the second day of Tokyo, I entered like this👇

Flow of premium seat admission
  1. Give the staff a "ticket, membership card, identification document" at the identity verification booth and ask him to verify the identity.
  2. Check the ticket again at the entrance
  3. Receive premium seat benefits & slogan

Here are the benefits you received when you enter, "Premium Sheet's original product".💕

  • 🤍 Mini Shopper Bag
  • 🤍Neck strap & premium seat path
  • 🤍PVC pouch with carabiner
  • 🤍Flake sticker & tin case set

All goods were received from the staff while in the mini -chopper bag 🥰

It was compact and easy to carry ◎

[LUNé must -see for participation! ] What should I do before the live? Perfect measures against heat!

Quotation source

Here, the author who participated on the second day of Tokyo performance

"I'm glad I did this."

"I should have been more careful here."

I will introduce the points that I felt🙌💖

Please make sure to prepare in advance and enjoy the live performance with all your might.😌🤍

Penlight pairing

In the performance of "Second To None", a penlight production in conjunction with the seat is performed 🪄

In particular, this time, in the ment after the 10th song "Buzz Love"

There is also a corner where groups are grouped in the color of the penlight and compete for the "excitement".✨

In order to participate in this production, it is necessary to pair the penlight and dedicated application in advance and register the seat information.❕

If you arrive at the seat on the day, depending on the situation of the radio waves, it will take time to set or you can not set it well ...!

It is recommended to pair in advance before visiting because it will be quite impatient.

If you set it in advance, you can automatically participate in the production at the venue simply by turning on the penlight.✨

In order to calm down and watch the concert, let's finish the cooperation between the penlight and the app in advance.🌷

Measures against heat

This depends on the venue, but it may be lined up outdoors for a long time before the opening, so we recommend that you take measures against heat.🙌

In the case of Ariake arena

  • Slightly far from the nearest station to the venue
  • Receiving membersship benefits and outdoor kitchen cars
  • Even when entering, it takes time to verify identity, so I have a long time to wait outdoors.

So, I felt that "measures against heat are essential."♀️

PersonallyFolded paradise, arm cover, handy fans, mineral waterI'm glad I took it ...❕

If you line up in a kitchen car, it will be a long battle depending on the timing.😢

Therefore, it may be good to have a salt tablet, a sports drink, or something that can be supplemented with salt.☺

It is also recommended to check if there are enough cafes near the venue.✊✨

Physical exhaustion in intense heat is more than I can imagine.😢

Let's enjoy the live performance with a good measure against the heat.

It is recommended that you keep the songs that can fall and shoot in advance in advance!

This is "I should have done it ...😢It ’s a point.💡

"DropKick", which is downward, is not an encore, but in the middle of the day!

And the photographic song "ALIEN" is just a song that starts the monitor as "it is a photographic song" and it starts without any warning.😂

I didn't know the timing, so I was pretty awesome 🫠

Moreover, there is also a sign ball throw when it is a song that can be shot, so I am quite wondering how to hold a smartphone, penra, and fan (laughs).

"If you understand the timing, you may have been able to concentrate without being impatient.😂"

Customer falling song "DropKick" and photographable song "Alien"

We recommend that you keep it in your head just at the timing of!

If you replace your smartphone in a place where you can easily take it out when you wait for an encore, you will be able to shoot smoothly at the timing of "ALIEN".😊


This time, Senil JAPAN staff delivered the repo of the first -day arena tour "SECOND TO NONE" Tokyo (Ariake).❤

"These nine are the best TT💓Thank you TT💓」


"Nico's red -haired visual is the best ~~ 🩷 🩷"

It is a Luné staff full of feeling (laughs)

We had you charge plenty of happiness!

The production became more luxurious than last time, and "SECOND TO NONE" called "This is the arena tour!"✨

Especially the production of glittering and beautiful paper blizzards of "May Rain",

I felt that the production of soap bubbles, which seems to be idol of "Buzz Love", is very nice.💖

On August 7th, the new song "Aoarashi" was released.🌊

Will a new song be added to the settlement of future performances ...? !

I am glad that this repo will be useful for Luné everyone who will participate in the future performance 🫶

▽ Click here for the previous "First Paw Print" repo👇

& Team Live Repo

Leave it to Senil JAPAN!

Some of you who are watching this article may think, "I want to enhance my activities more and more!"♪

One of the recommended activities for such people is "I recommend an advertisement (Birthday/Support advertisement)💖

I don't have the courage to advertise ...」「Isn't the procedure difficult?If you are worried, please feel free to consult Senil JAPAN ^^

If you register the official LINE of Senil JAPAN,Automatic response chat solves concerns about cheering advertising!

It is safe to be able to consult by phone as well as chat to the staff.♪

Consultation -medium arrangement -design production -advertising reportYou can complete it only with LINE!

First of all, please register LINE friends ^^

★SNS information of Senil JAPAN★

In Senil JAPAN, ""X」「Instagram」「TiktokWe are also distributing SNS♪

Birthday/We distribute information on actors and idols and deals, as well as support advertising information, so please follow up ^^

X (@birthday_ad_jp)

I want to get the information of Senil JAPAN quickly!If you say, please follow X♪

In X, under implementationBirthday/We will deliver information on blog publications, such as support advertisements and idols and actors that we update every week we have been updated ^^

We also deliver information on campaigns, so don't miss it!

Instagram (@Birthday.ad.jp)

I want to get information in an easy -to -understand manner!If you say, please follow Instagram!

Instagram offers the contents of the actors and idol blogs that we distribute every week in images in an easy -to -understand manner.♪

ImplementedBirthday/We also introduce support advertisements, so please refer to those who are considering!

You can always look back by "saving" your favorite posts ^^

Tiktok (@Birthday.ad.jp)

Emphasis on time shorter! I want to get information quickly in the video!For those who say, we recommend following Tiktok.♪

@birthday.ad.jp This is our thoughts on our activities😄I'm looking forward to being connected with everyone with the same feelings!#Promotion #KPOP #Tota activity #Birthdayadvertisement #BirthdayAdvertising Agency JAPAN #South Korea #Japan #Korean information ♬ Pop! --Nayeon

At TiktokBirthday/Information about support advertisements and blog information is explained in an easy -to -understand manner ^^

Because it is a short video, you can watch it in a short time in the morning.♪

We plan to send various information through SNS in the future!

Please follow up so that you do not miss the latest information ^^